Mary Brumby Yankunytjatjara, b. (circa) 1/1/1968
65 3/4 x 78 in
"Ipi is the Yankunytjatjara word for breasts. We paint with ochre onto the women's breasts for traditional inma and songs.
This is our culture, this is part of being a woman. We are strong together, we dance together. My mother taught me this, all of the women in our family do these dances and paint the special Tjukurpa designs onto our bodies. This is our way. Kungka Kunpu (Strong women)."
Mary was born in the bush near the rocky outcrop, close to Mintabie. Her mother was from Mimili, and her father was from far west near Pipalyatjara. Mary grew up in a traditional way of life, living in wiltjas (hand built shelters) living off bush food and carrying small foods and water in piti (carved wooden vessels) from the nearby creek.