The Summer Show 2023 | Grand Design : Contemporary Aboriginal art of high quality and large scale
Outstanding contemporary Aboriginal art featuring works of large scale.
The exhibition includes:
• One of the last works painted by Kunmanara (Pepai) Jangala Carroll, the only painting still owned by the estate of the artist at Ernabella Arts and exhibited here for the first time. Now highly-collectible Mr Carroll's works set an auction record for the artist in 2022.
• The first collaborative Star and Moon Dreaming by Warmun artist Mabel Juli and her granddaughter Atlanta Mercy Umbulgurri
• Vibrant paintings from the APY Lands art centres of Ernabella Arts, Iwantja Arts and Mimili Arts
• Rare works by Kimberley artists Ned Johns, grandson of the land rights leader Vincent Lingiari and Jimmy McKenzie, son of the late Queenie McKenzie
• Bush medicine and women’s ceremony paintings by the women artists of Utopia
• A soft-hued painting by Candy Nelson Nakamara and striking geometric by Renita Brown Nungurrayi from Papunya Tjupi
• 3D and paintings by Victorian artists Dominic White and Eric Brown
• Botanical barks, ceremonial poles, and Mimih spirits by leading artists of Arnhem Land and much more...
Ada Pula BeasleyMy Country, 2022acrylic on linen70 x 120 cm
27 1/2 x 47 1/4 in$ 3,200.00 -
Alison Munti RileyAra Irititja, Nganampa Ngura, 2022acrylic on linen154 x 200 cmSold
60 5/8 x 78 3/4 in -
Annie Nelson NapangardiTali - Sandhills, 2022acrylic on linen87 x 146 cmSold
34 1/4 x 57 1/2 in -
Atipalku IntjalkiTjukurpa Mulayangu, 2022acrylic on linen170 x 180 cmSold
66 7/8 x 70 7/8 in -
Belinda Golder KngwarreyeBush Yam Flowers, 2022acrylic on linen119 x 201 cmSold
46 7/8 x 79 1/8 in -
Bernadine KemarreBush Medicine Leaves, 2022acrylic on linen116 x 195 cmSold
45 5/8 x 76 3/4 in -
Betty CampbellMinymaku Tjukurpa (Women's Story), 2022acrylic on linen122 x 122 cmSold
48 x 48 in -
Betty CampbellMinymaku Tjukurpa (Women's Story), 2022acrylic on linen122 x 122 cmSold
48 x 48 in -
Betty CampbellMinymaku Tjukurpa (Women's Story), 2022acrylic on linen122 x 122 cmSold
48 x 48 in -
Billy Black DurbumaLarratjatjja - Saw Fish , 2010ochres and pigments on canvas92 x 200 cm
36 1/4 x 78 3/4 in$ 6,500.00 -
Candy Nelson NakamarraKalipinypa, 2021acrylic on linen122 x 122 cmSold
48 x 48 in -
Daisy BarneyNgura (Country), 2022acrylic on linen152 x 200 cmSold
59 7/8 x 78 3/4 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiDhatam, 2022earth pigments on stringybark99 x 53 cm
39 x 20 7/8 in$ 5,800.00 -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiDhatam, 2022earth pigments on stringybark130 x 84 cmSold
51 1/8 x 33 1/8 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiDhatam, 2022earth pigments on stringybark130 x 55 cm
51 1/8 x 21 5/8 in$ 6,530.00 -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiGälpu, 2022earth pigments on stringybark141.5 x 50 cm
55 3/4 x 19 3/4 in$ 6,900.00 -
Elizabeth DunnPiltati - Elizabeth Dunn's Story, 2022acrylic on linen179 x 169 cmSold
70 1/2 x 66 1/2 in -
Eric BrownMen's Business Ceremonyochres, charcoal on linen67 x 168 cm
26 3/8 x 66 1/8 in -
Eric BrownMen's Businessscreen printing medium, ochres, charcoal on linen104 x 160 cm
41 x 63 in -
Eric BrownMen's Businessscreen printing medium, ochres, charcoal on linen104 x 160 cm
41 x 63 in -
Iwantja Women's CollaborativeNgura (Country), 2022acrylic on linen167 x 198 cmSold
65 3/4 x 78 in -
Janice StanleyPantu (Salt Lake), 2022acrylic on canvas179 x 169 cmSold
70 1/2 x 66 1/2 in -
Jeannie & Katie WalatinnaNgura (country), 2022acrylic on linen152 x 198 cmSold
59 7/8 x 78 in -
Jeannie Mills PwerleYam Dreaming, 2022acrylic on linen90 x 150 cm
35 3/8 x 59 in$ 3,600.00 -
Jeannie Mills PwerleYam Dreaming, 2022acrylic on linen110 x 198 cmSold
43 1/4 x 78 in -
Jimmy McKenziePurnululu - Bungle Bungle, 2009Kimberley ochres on canvas100 x 140 cm
39 3/8 x 55 1/8 in6,900.00 -
Kunmanara (Pepai) Jangala CarrollIlpili, 2021acrylic on linen170 x 180 cmSold
66 7/8 x 70 7/8 in -
Lloyd KwillaBushfire Series - Kulyayi Waterhole, 2010Kimberley ochres on canvas100 x 140 cm
39 3/8 x 55 1/8 in6,900.00 -
Mabel Juli & Atlanta Mercy UmbulgurriGarn'giny Ngarranggarni, 2022ochre on linen120 x 120 cmSold
Michelle LewisMichelle's Tjala Dreaming (Honey Ant Dreaming), 2020acrylic on linen122 x 300 cmReserved
48 1/8 x 118 1/8 in -
Muluymuluy WirrpandaBuḻwutja, 2020ochres on bark126 x 33 cmSold
49 5/8 x 13 in -
Muluymuluy WirrpandaBuḻwutja, 2020ochres on bark109 x 49 cmSold
42 7/8 x 19 1/4 in -
Muluymuluy WirrpandaBuḻwutja, 2020earth pigments on stringybark112 x 65 cmSold
44 1/8 x 25 5/8 in -
Muluymuluy WirrpandaBuḻwutja, 2020earth pigments on stringybark95 x 63 cmSold
37 3/8 x 24 3/4 in -
Nancy NoonjuNgarbel Ngarbel, 2005Kimberley ochres on canvas60 x 120 cmSold
23 5/8 x 47 1/4 in -
Ned JohnsSugarbag Dreaming, 2002Kimberley ochres on canvas (shadow framed in light oak)100 x 140 cm
39 3/8 x 55 1/8 in6,900.00 -
Raylene WalatinnaNgayuku Ngura (My Country), 2022acrylic on linen101 x 167 cmSold
39 3/4 x 65 3/4 in -
Raylene WalatinnaNgayuku Ngura (My Country), 2022acrylic on linen198 x 198 cm
78 x 78 in -
Renita Brown NungarrayiTali, 2022acrylic on linen122 x 152 cmSold
48 x 59 7/8 in -
Rosalind Tjanyari & Julie YatjitjaNganampa Ngura (Our Country), 2022acrylic on linen152 x 198 cmSold
59 7/8 x 78 in -
Yatjiki (Vicki) CullinanNgayuku Ngura (My Country), 2022acrylic on linen167 x 198 cmSold
65 3/4 x 78 in -
Yatjiki (Vicki) CullinanNgayuku Ngura (My Country), 2022acrylic on linen122 x 152 cmSold
48 x 59 7/8 in -
Yatjiki (Vicki) CullinanNgayaku Ngura (My Country), 2022acrylic on linen122 x 152 cmSold
48 x 59 7/8 in -
Beyamarr #1 MununggurrDjapu Design, 2022earth pigments on stringybark171 x 15.5 cmSold
67 3/8 x 6 1/8 in -
Djarrayang WunungmurraBuyku, 2021earth pigments and sand on stringybark177 x 13 cmSold
69 3/4 x 5 1/8 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiGalpu (Djul'djul Lillies and Fish), 2021earth pigments and sand on stringybark177 x 17 cm
69 3/4 x 6 3/4 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiDhatam (Waterlilly), 2021earth pigments and sand on stringybark225 x 19 cm
88 5/8 x 7 1/2 in -
Larritjpira MununggurrDjapu, 2021earth pigments on stringybark224 x 12 cm
88 1/4 x 4 3/4 in$ 5,900.00 -
Milminyina DhamarrandjiRulyapa (Larrakitj), 2022earth pigments and pva fixative on stringybark208 x 20 cm
81 7/8 x 7 7/8 in$ 4,800.00 -
Moyurrurra WunungmurraGangan, 2020Ochres on wood243 x 16 cm
95 5/8 x 6 1/4 in -
Moyurrurra WunungmurraGangan, 2020Ochres on wood266 x 18 cmSold
104 3/4 x 7 1/8 in -
Dominic WhiteCode Coolamon, 2017ceramic, iron filings, ochre59 x 30 x 11 cm
(72 x 30 x 25 cm mounted)
23 1/4 x 11 3/4 x 4 3/8 in -
Dominic WhiteUntitled, 2017ceramic and ochre47 x 17 x 9 cm
(60 x 17 x 15 cm mounted)
18 1/2 x 6 3/4 x 3 1/2 in -
Dominic WhiteBinary Ochre ThoughtEucalyptus, ochre, epoxy66 x 24 x 10 cm
(79 x 24 x 18 cm mounted)
26 x 9 1/2 x 4 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiWorrwurr - Dhuḏuthuḏu, 2022ochres on wood65 x 17 x 14 cmSold
25 5/8 x 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiWorrwurr - Dhuḏuthuḏu, 2022ochres on wood58 x 13 cmSold
22 7/8 x 5 1/8 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiWorrwurr - Dhuḏuthuḏu, 2022ochres on wood34 x 15 x 15 cmSold
13 3/8 x 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 in -
Djul'djul GurruwiwiWorrwurr - Dhuḏuthuḏu, 2022ochres on wood34 x 15 x 15 cmSold
13 3/8 x 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 in -
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative135 x 4 cmSold
53 1/8 x 1 5/8 in -
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative168 x 3 x 3 cmReserved
66 1/8 x 1 1/8 x 1 1/8 in -
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022Beach Hibiscus (Hibiscus Tiliaceus) with Ochre Pigment and PVA Fixative116 x 6 cmSold
45 5/8 x 2 3/8 in -
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative102 x 2 x 2 cmSold
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative125 x 5 cmSold
49 1/4 x 2 in -
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative116 x 3 x 3 cmSold
45 5/8 x 1 1/8 x 1 1/8 in -
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative132 x 3 x 3 cmSold
Samson BonsonMimih Spirit, 2022beach hibiscus with ochre pigment and PVA fixative138 x 3 x 3 cm
54 3/8 x 1 1/8 x 1 1/8 in$ 2,200.00