


At 25, Atlanta Mercy Umbulgurri is a rising star artist of the renowned Kimberley ochre painting of the Warmun community.  Significantly, Atlanta is the granddaughter of Warmun's most senior artist, the 90+ year-old Mabel Juli Wiringgoon. 


In the collections of numerous public galleries and private collections, Mabel Juli's Moon and Star paintings have become amongst the most identifiable and revered mages in contemporary Australian art. 


Over the last few years, Mrs Juli had decided that, as her granddaughter Atlanta was showing both great dedication to their shared culture and exceptional promise as an artist, she would pass the rights to paint both the  Moon and Star paintings and those of another important story called Old Woman Singing out for her Dog, to her young protege. 

Since 2021 Atlanta has worked under the tutelage of Mrs Juli  - interpreting these ancient stories with a new and fresh vision - a reminder of the continuity offered by art to maintain, celebrate and honour ancient stories.


Having exhibited Atlanta's works to great acclaim in the exhibition Garn'giny not Granite  alongside that of her grandmother and aunt in 2021, Everywhen Artspace is now delighted to present Atlanta Mercy Umbulgurri's first solo exhibition - Gungi to Gungi (Old Days/New Days) the living art of Mabel Juli's Dreamings.

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