Belinda Golder Kngwarreye Anmatyerre , b. 1986
39 3/8 x 78 3/4 in
Belinda uses a heavily loaded paint brush to work the many layers of colourful dots onto the linen to create the effect of the flowering plants and the landscape after the heavy rain season. Here she depicts the blossoms of the native yam, or Anaty, of her region. The yam grows underground with a viny shrub growing above ground up to 1 metre high. It is normally found in near to acacia trees in the spinifex-filled sand plains. Its brilliant pink flowers emerge after the summer rain. The Anaty is a tuber (or swollen root) of the shrub and tastes like sweet potato. It can be eaten raw or cooked. There is also an ancient creation story that belongs to the Anaty, which women are taught as they enter initiation. The composition of colour and shape variations points to the geography and intimate knowledge of locations.