Joe Guymala Kunwinjku, b. 1969
16 1/8 x 24 1/8 in
Kernalk (ibis) is one of our animals, that we bininj (Aboriginal people) eat. The ibis lives in the forest, and when a fire has gone through we see it going around eating charcoal. Sometimes we see them going around on the floodplains, rivers and creeks. We see Birndu (Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellis) on the floodplain in the wet season, and flying in big flocks in the build-up season. There are two types of ibis, the one with black feathers (Straw-necked ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis) and the one with white feathers (Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis moluccus). We Aboriginal people eat both types of Kernalk, as well as Birndu.
Kernalk ngalka mayh ngadberre nawu bininj ngad ngarrikukburlerri bu ngarringun. Kernalk kare kore manberrk, bu manwurrk kabirriwurlhke wanjh karrinan kawakerren kabulengun. Yika karrinan kare kawake kore kabbal. Kore mankabo manlabbarl manwanjdjad. Dja ngalbu birndu ngalkka karrinan kore kabbal bu kudjewk dja kurrung karrolkarren karrinan mirndewern. Kernalk bokenh ngalbu ngalmudbele dja ngalbuyika ngalmudburlerri ngarringun yerrih nawu ngad bininj ngarrikukburlerri birndu dja kernalk bokenh mayhmayh ngarringun.
(Text: Andrew Manakgu)