Graham Badari Kunwinjku, b. 1963
16 1/8 x 24 1/8 in
Manmakkawarri (the salmon catfish, Hexanematichthys leptaspis) is a good eating fish. It is found in the freshwater rivers, creeks and waterholes of West Arnhem Land. There is a Catfish Dreaming site in Gunbalanya, a rounded rock with protrudes from the ground on the south side of the town. In the old days, people used to take a leafy branch of mandubang (ironwood, Erythrophlum chlorostachys) and hit the rock with them, calling out to the Ancestors to supply plentiful fish to them. Then they would go down to the billabong, and find lots of catfish there which they would catch with walabi (traditional triangular nets) or djalakkiradj (multi-pronged fishing spears).
Manmakkawarri ngalbu djenj ngalkanjmak bu ngarringun. Kare kore kubowinjku kukku kore mankabo manwanjdjad dja kore manlabbarl. Manmakkawarri Djang kahdjangdi kodah kore Kunbarllanjnja.Korroko dabborrabbolk nawu kondah kunred bedberre birrirey kunworr mandubang birrimangi birriwodbuni birridjangweyi wanjh kolungi kore manlabbarlkimuk nawu nawern djenj manmakkawarri.Wanjh birrimangi walabi yika birridanjbuni djalakkiradj.