Louise Marlarvie Jaru, b. 1968
31 1/2 x 39 3/8 in
"In my country near the Mulun community, there is a big lake they call Barrawool - Lake Gregory. When it's windy, waves form and sparkle in the sunshine, we call it 'nyabal nyabal'. This is what the light in the flicking water looks like...Sometimes the wind blows really fast. It makes me feel good when I think about it and remember my Country."
Louise Malarvie is a young emerging artist developing a repertoire of images to reflect the cultural learning taught to her by the elders of her family. Committed to her cultural tradition and its expression, Louise explores an individual interpretation of colour and composition to best translate her cultural learning. "I was born in Darwin and grew up at Mistake Creek and Bamboo Springs and then moved to Kununurra and lived at Lily Creek. Afterwards I went to Emu Creek with my Mum. We used to catch the bus into Kununurra for school. We lived in the ranch area at Kununurra in the 90's. I follow my mother to do painting. I watched my mother painting when I was small when she used to sell her paintings at the bakery before Waringarri Arts started. Everyone - my grandpa, my mum and dad all moved to Waringarri then."the ‘Jukurrpa’ (Dreaming), associated sites, and other elements. In many paintings of this Dreaming, short dashes are often used to represent ‘mangkurdu’ (cumulus & stratocumulus clouds), and longer, flowing lines represent ‘ngawarra’ (flood waters). Small circles are used to depict ‘mulju’ (soakages) and river beds.