Gurrundul #1 Marawili Yolngu, b. 1964
37 3/8 x 25 1/4 in
The Madarrpa travelled to live permanently at Båniyala, clan land north on Blue Mud Bay under the direction of clan leader and father to the artist, Wakuthi. The Madarrpa always had Ancestral connection to this land - no dispute. Gurrundul’s grandfathers are buried under the sacred ground there. The setting up of an outstation at Båniyala was part of the initial push back to the homelands from the intolerable intrusion of large scale mining that had surrounded Yirrkala community (formerly mission) from the early seventies.
There are hugely significant stories out of this country for the Yirritja, (some of which are shared with the Dhalwa\u and Mangalili clans) that deal with law and ritual. The sacred design of the waters shared by these clans is shared also. Other stories, perhaps no less significant deal with creation or more recently fabled events. The depicted Gurrtjpi is the stingray hunted much on the shallow shores of Blue Mud Bay. It is also a totem for the Madarrpa at Båniyala as they talk of Gurrtjpi having a path of creation at Båniyala. A few hundred yards down the beach at Båniyala, a small tidal creek cuts through the dunes to the flat country immediately behind. This small creek named Måwalnga was used by Gurritjpi to track back into the bush. Here he bit into the ground forming several small billabongs, a source of water for Yolngu living there. His path continued along the direction that is now the Båniyala air strip to flat sandy country before heading out to the point Lulumu to become a white rock surrounded by the slow tides. During the days of Wo\gu the Djapu warrior, an area in the shape of the stingray was cleared by him and others who came to country to hunt Gurrtjpi mid way through the dry season. The area is still clear today, his two eyes holes in the ground where the current inhabitants pick sand to throw in the direction of the rock at Lulumu for good luck and plentiful fishing.
The stingray Gurrtjpi has been depicted in these waters.