Mabel Juli Wiringgoon Gija, b. 1929
47 1/4 x 47 1/4 in
In this work Mabel Juli depicts the story of a cruel station manager and her father's daring response at Springvale station.
In her own words Mabel says:
This young fella [on the right] was having breakfast la camp, la Springvale when a big mob bin come to drove, take the cattle la Wyndham. This young fella was late getting the horses and bringing them back to camp. All his mates left him there.
That's my father [on the left] and the old boss [in the middle], manager Mr. Tom Quilty. That manager went back to look for the young fella and said "you're late" and belted him with a bullock bone on the head. And that there is all the blood coming out of that young boy's head. My Dad seen old Quilty belting this boy and my Dad bin tell him "what you bin belting that boy for?"
So my Dad belt old Quilty with a whip, and chased him away from that young fella. Old manager settled down after that. I was just a little girl when all this happened.'