Tjunka Lewis Ngaanyatjarra, b. 1/01/1927
20 x 20 in
This painting is from Tjunka's country. Tommy Mitchell says this painting is about Tjunka's country and a special place called Tawal*, not far from Wakalpuka*. All the emu boys were sitting down together. The emu boys started running when they heard a whistle. They started running towards Mt Aloysius, that's a nyii nyii place (finches). One of the boys broke his leg. He must be still there?
*Nicotina rosulata (native tobacco) / Tawal-tawal(pa) Used as a narcotic, mixed with ashes and chewed. Very important thirst suppressant which helped people travel great distances without water. Usually grows after summer rains.
* Acacia tetragonophylla (Dead finish) / Wakalpuka A type of wattle. Seeds grinded for cakes and the roots are used to make a cough medicine. These bushes have needle like leaves with bright yellow globular flower heads. Ref: Wildflowers and plants of Inland Australia. Author: Anne Urban
Warakurna Artists 600-11