Laurel Robinson
19 3/4 x 23 5/8 in
Laurel Briggs Robinson is a Yorta Yorta-Wurunjer i woman born at Mooroopna Victoria. She grew up in Shepparton where she attended school to her teenage years. She then went to Melbourne and worked as a telephonist, then to Sydney NSW and work for the Aboriginal medical service for 40 years . She returned to Shepparton and later, joining Kaiela Arts, she realised that she could express her "hidden feelings" in art as well as the memories of her childhood. She says. " I do love working with the other elders and exchanging stories. I think its important , we pass our stories onto the younger generations." "This work is my memories of my childhood, of the Murray River, when the river (Dungala) used to run beautiful and clear, fish were plentiful as were the ducks and the black swans."