Yinarupa Nangala Pintupi, b. 1958

Yinarupa is the daughter of the artist Anatjari Tjampitjinpa, a former shareholder of Papunya Tula Artists who is now deceased. She was born circa 1958 in the vicinity ofMukula west of Kiwirrkura in Western Australia and appears as a small child in the book 'The Lizard Eaters'. Her sist er Mantua Nangala and brother Ray James Tjangala are also in the book. She was married to Yala Yala Gibbs Tjungurrayi, who was also an artist andshareholder who passed away in December 1998 .In 1999 Yinarupa contributed to the Kiwirrkura women's painting as part of the Western Desert Dialysis Appeal. In 2009 shewon the painting award in the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ArtAwards and is has been selecfed as finalist a number of other significant awardexhibitions including