Debra Nakamarra Pintupi, b. 1964
Birth date: 1964
Language: Pintupi
Community Walungurru (Kintore), NT
Debra was born in 1964 and is the eldest daughter of Johnny Yungut Tjupurrula (dec. 2016) and
Walangkura Napanangka (dec. 2014). Johnny and Walangkura were both shareholders and highly
acclaimed artists, with Johnny first painting through Papunya Tula Artists in 1978, and Walangkura
being part of the group of Kintore women who began in 1996.
She has three brothers and two sisters and is married to the water colourist Hilary Wirri. Debra’s
paintings centre around the rockhole and cave site of Tjintjintjin, located on the western side of
the Northern Territory and Western Australia border, and roughly halfway between the Kintore and
Kiwirrkura Communities.